- Face-to-face and online seminars for goalkeepers, organized in order to increase the training and qualification of the coaching staff!
- Development through training of nonprofessionals and professionals!
- Утвърдени Лектори – Треньори от страната и чужбина!
- Stay up to date with the latest and greatest in the coaching and goalkeeping profession!
- Upcoming Goalie Camps you may find where the most suitable camp is for you!
Upcoming events
coming soon
Минали Семинари Юни 2023
Маартен Атрс с екипа на
Двудневен присъствен семинар
“Обучение за треньори с гост лектор МААРТЕН АРТС“
Минали Семинари Март 2023
С голям интерес премина Международния семинар на March 20-21, 2023 (the home championship break). В него взеха удастие:
5 lecturers, 4 of which are foreigners from Germany and Switzerland.
Семинарът се проведе в град Пловдив на базата на ПФК “Ботев”.
В него участваха над 40 треньори на вратари, за:
- increasing your competence,
- learning new topics
- getting to know top coaches from Germany's Bundesliga.
Основната тема на семинара бе:
"The development of talents and their integration in professional football"
Daniel Strehle - Representative Goalkeeper development – софтуер за вратари и тренцори направи специално предложение на всички участници.
An initiative of Dilian Iliev, head coach of goalkeepers in Botev Pd.
Contact our team at
Минали Семинари Февруари 2023
Download the presentation here
BG Goalkeeper – February 2023.
In this Online Seminar, you had a unique opportunity to hear live from one of the most successful Goalkeeper Coach/Lecturer, a participant in many seminars around the world - New York Red Bull's Head Goalkeeper Coach - Yuri Niemenen! You also attended a presentation, a one-of-a-kind lecture on microtrauma in soccer players. Presented by the best kinesiotherapist in Bulgaria, Viktor Valchanov! Our third guest was a debutant of only 18 years of age, with the excellent presentation/analysis of game actions Todor Yotsov, which you can download in PDF format
Contact our team at
Past seminars 2022
Download the presentation here
Download the presentation here
БГ Вратар – декември 2022г.
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Attended Seminars
Международен семинар за треньори на вратари
организатор Дилян Илиев с партньорството на teamgoalkeeper
Goalkeeper camps
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